
Thursday, June 19, 2008

CellBox save sensitive data in a secure way, on your phone

Keep on hand sensitive information such as usernames and passwords, pin of credit cards and so forth, is very comfortable but equally risky. One need only think of only lose the phone or that this information is read by prying eyes. On Smartphone there are different solutions to payment, cryptare physically capable of certain files (including text precisely) using fairly safe systems, such as Best Crypto. The program that we present today, CellBox, is totally free and compatible with various devices compatible with Java (J2ME classic). It uses an algorithm free and very safe, called Anubis (cipher) to 320 bits. The programme is as compatible with various models Nokia and SonyEricsson but is not excluded that can also run on others. It allows you to save three types of data (of course access to the program is password protected and all internal data are encrypted with it), namely: credit cards, login and contacts. For a free download, here.

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