
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dropbox released for BlackBerry to bring all the files you want on the move

After winning virtually every mobile platform, with the exception of the most popular in the world ( Symbian ), Dropbox officially landed on the terminals of business oriented RIM .

Is available from several hours to download the final version of the aforementioned program to end BlackBerry. The service, created on any type of PC and operating system, allows you to upload your files and documents on a true virtual storage medium. The most interesting thing that has helped make him famous, is the mobile access through a dedicated website and a variety of applications and not official.

The app for BlackBerry has a weight of about 1.1MB and is compatible with almost all versions of this operating system.


Admin said...

Samsung Galaxy Tablet carphone warehouse
is really usefully.

Social Games said...

Good application going to be very beneficial ..

Cringo said...

can i also use this drop box on blackberry curve?