
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Facebook at work on some phones with INQ

For about a week chasing the rumor about an alleged phone that Facebook is working , promptly dismissed by representatives of the same social network that has been said more interested in improving the user experience and application connectivity officer on existing phones . Nevertheless, some informants "close the deal" today revealed how Facebook is working with the manufacturer of cellular INQ Mobile smartphone that two, at least in the United States, should be a sole operator AT & T.

The terminals, obviously enhanced by the online social networking, Facebook would be introduced first in Europe in the first half of 2011, and then arrive in the United States in the second half same year. The source declined to be named because the plans for the terminals have not yet been officially revealed.

The need to create Facebook-INQ this union comes from the will of the social network to reach more mobile users, allowing access to the platform more flexible and fast to compete with the iPhone of Apple and RIM BlackBerry. Augie Ray, an analyst at Forrester Research, said:

The more people update their status when it is mobile and Facebook is the most popular application for smartphones.

The two-Facebook will INQ smartphone operating system Android, but it is not yet certain whether the brand will appear openly on Facebook shell phones. At present, the social network's spokesman declined to comment on the leak in the specific, simply stating that they will continue to work with INQ Mobile and other companies:

INQ We have worked with for a couple of years to help them create an experience of using Facebook deeply integrated in their terminals. We can not talk about their plans, product development, but we can say that, from our point of view, almost all experiences would be better if they were social.

Apparently one of the two terminals will have QWERTY keyboard and touch, while the second will only touch in style inspired by iPhone.

1 comment:

Free Online Social Games said...

What is the main concept of INQ,I want to know about this application , how we can use this with facebook?