
Monday, September 6, 2010

Windows Mobile 7 analysts said Microsoft is late

As is well known for some time now, Microsoft is investing a large amount of capital and labor now on upcoming launch of Windows 7 Phone, figures which are around 1 billion dollars in promotion and development. Analysts, however, respond to efforts stressing that Microsoft is embarking on a dangerous investment.

Eric Bleeker Motley Fool, a well known financial company, is one of many who feel too much at risk as Microsoft Windows 7 Phone is too late to place properly in unstable and volatile market of mobile OS. According to the analysis of Bleeker, indeed:

I hate to sound dismissive of Windows 7 Phone before it even hits stores, But The deck is stacked Against it. Phone regardless of Windows 7's features, it's just too late in the game.

Bleeker seeks to demonstrate, through several points of discussion, as Microsoft has failed in its mobile strategy. Smartphones have a 30% market share and the company looks to the remaining 70% as a pool of buyers ready to jump into the void: very little conviction correct. Many people seem not to want to take a smartphone for specific reasons (high costs, complexity of use or use not for business). According to the analyst, a strong market share will not buy a smartphone, despite all efforts to push Microsoft Windows Phone 7.

Bleeker also believes that Microsoft is trying to creep into market share of iPhone users and Android, thinking of stealing users. This move is really too difficult: according to detailed surveys, 89% of user’s iPhone and 71% of users Android not intend to leave their platform, which also spent money and time. Completely change the platform and switch to Windows 7 Phone is an additional expense.

If you want to read the full study and analysis of Bleeker, this is the link. Tell us what you think.

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